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Other regions will incur additional shipping costs. |
Precautions for SMT second-hand transactions When conducting second-hand transactions on SMT, the device registered in your account must be deleted in order to register the device properly in the second buyer's account. You must register your device on your account to obtain paid content purchases and smooth after-sales service. Please be careful. |
The basic default SMT content has been adjusted from 11 to 5 since November 2021. If you register as a member on the Gunpower website and connect SMT to the Internet, you can automatically download more free content as well as purchase and use paid content. |
Precautions for Accurate Targeting Based on "Marui" normal handgun with 9 kg gas charge / 0.2 g bullets |
※ Depending on the viewing direction and distance, there may be an error in the impact point, which is due to the gap between the sensing film and the display. |
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등록된 상품문의
- 작성자
- Mohamed
- 작성일
- 24-11-25
문의내용 Q Hello, I'd like to know what the screen maximum FPS or Joules when using 0.2g BB, assuming shooting from over 5 meters. Would 500 FPS damage the screen?, or more than 2 Joules? What is the maximum specifications for impact. Thanks.답변 A 답변이 등록되지 않았습니다.